1995 Nebraska Destroys 2001 Miami Hurricanes

Why? First off, the greatest team of all time shouldn't struggle to beat two inferior teams. Scoring one offensive TD against 01 BC and needing a miraculous play in the final minute to win and inflate the score differential.

I look at the boxscore of one game and that tells me what happens if 95 NU and 01 Canes line up.

01 VT ran some of the very same power running plays out of the same I pro set that NU had run for decades. The stretch plays, iso's, counters, traps, counter-traps, straight hand off's, pitches, and some option.

01 Vt was able to run the ball on the 01 Canes for almost 160 yards on less than 40 carries. That is 4 yds a carry. They did this with far less superior offensive lineman and rb's. Maybe 4-5 of these players go on to NFL and only 1 or 2 of them have any real success.

OMG 95 NU tears that Cane D up with future long term NFL lineman and Frazier, Phillips, Green and Co!

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By Mo Johnson, Copyright © 2006-2025 SECSportsFan.com

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