1961 Bama -- not the best team, maybe best season, but not best team

There are a number of better teams.

Personally i never saw one better than:

1980 pitt, best college football team ever.

25 players on the roster that year were starters in the pros and a number of HOF'ers. If not for a game in a florida monsoon it would be common knowledge(against fsu, who's coach agrees this pitt team was the best he ever saw).

Comments for 1961 Bama -- not the best team, maybe best season, but not best team

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Feb 10, 2008
Very good...but greatest ever?
by: Anonymous

I would give you this,that 1980 Pitt team had one of the 3 greatest defenses of all time (along with 92 Bama and 97 Michigan). They did however get beat by 2 touchdowns in one game. In my opinion you probally need to win them all to be considered with the greatest teams ever. I still have the Sports Illustrated issue from that year with the Great Hugh Green on the cover. The Bowl game organizers screwed up and got the wrong match-up in the Sugar Bowl that year. They picked Notre Dame to play top ranked Georgia in the Sugar Bowl. The Irish turned around and lost to USC in their last game. Pitt got stuck playing a 8-3 South Carolina team in the Gator Bowl. I do think had Pitt played Georgia in the Sugar Bowl they would have beaten them and been crowned National Champs that year.

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